
Showing posts from June, 2018

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 01

Living Witnesses with Mary Graham: 33 Days to Morning Glory Day ONE

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 02

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory - DAY TWO

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 03

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory: Day THREE

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 04

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day FOUR

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 05

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day FIVE

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 06

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day SIX

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 07

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day SEVEN

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 08

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day EIGHT

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 09

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day NINE

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 10

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day TEN

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 11

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day ELEVEN

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 12

Marcus & Adam Sluty join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day TWELVE

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 13

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day THIRTEEN

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 14

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day FOURTEEN

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 15

Day 15 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Lover of the Heart of Jesus Today we begin to consider the life of Blessed Mother Teresa. Fr. Gaitley tells us that like our Blessed Mother Mary, the deepest desire of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was to satiate the thirst of the Heart of Jesus for love and for souls "I Thirst." These two short words are one of the seven last sayings Jesus said from the Cross. They became two of the most important words of Mother Teresa. --Julie Musselman

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 16

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for Day 16 of 33 Days to Morning Glory The gift God gave September 10th, 1946 On this day we read that Mother Teresa received a "Call within a Call." This is when she began to contemplate the words of Our Lord from the cross "I thirst." In the letter quoted by Mother Teresa, she shares with us just how much Jesus loves us and how we all need to get to know Jesus so much better and hear Him say to each of us "I thirst." Mother Teresa reminds us that the Blessed Mother was the first to hear these words from Jesus on the cross and she knows how deep his love and longing for us truly is.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 17

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for Day 17 of 33 Days to Morning Glory The Visions of 1947 Mother Teresa saw three visions in 1947 and each of them played a role in her beginning what was to be her life's work. In them, Our Lady played a significant role. Fr. Joseph Langford, MC summarizes in this way,"Without Our Lady, we would be alone before the crosses of life, oblivious to Jesus in our midst." Mother Teresa's message to us is that "Our Lady's role is to bring you face to face with the love in the Heart of Jesus crucified."~Julie Musselman

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 18

Day 18 of 33 Days to Morning Glory The Immaculate Heart of Mary Many times I don't feel like a very compassionate person, so I love what Fr. Gaitley writes today saying that Mary will give us her compassionate heart, when I give her mine. Mother Teresa's devotion to Mary focused on this exchange of Mary's heart for mine. And Mother Teresa teaches me to pray "Mary, lend me your Immaculate heart." Mary's heart refers to her inner life and the seat of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 19

Day 19 of 33 Days to Morning Glory St. Ignatius of Loyola Heart-Pondering Prayer I love how Fr. Gaitley reveals Mother Teresa's 2 part secret. Part 1, like Mary, ponder all things in my heart Part 2, follow St. Ignatius of Loyola's nightly examen to review the graces and mercies received each day. It is a good use of time to look up footnote 73 beginning on page 187 and read through how to make the examen. --Julie Musselman

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 20

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day TWENTY (03/10/15) Day 20 of 33 Days to Morning Glory A Consecration Covenant The Missionaries of Charity, founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta has a consecration covenant with Mary. In it we read that we give her 12 duties including giving her all we have, placing total dependence on her and being faithful in prayer. Mary's duties to us then include giving us her spirit and heart, possessing and transforming us and purifying our actions. Read the full list of duties on page 80. It is a beautiful exchange.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 21

Day 21 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Be the One (with Mary) In today's meditation, we consider the very essence and summary of Mother Teresa's Covenant Consecration from yesterday. In 5 words it is: Be the One with Mary. We are to be the one to satiate the thirst of Jesus. (I am also reading Fr. Gaitley's book Consoling the Heart of Jesusand in that book he gives a full explanation of being a "consoler" and satiating the thirst of our Lord for souls.) Mother Teresa recognizes that Mary is the one who is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, or THE Consoler, and therefore, completely filled with the Holy Spirit, her spouse, Mary most perfectly is able to satiate the thirst of Jesus and console him. I would also like to highlight the 3 trademark virtues of Mother Teresa: 1. total surrender to God 2. loving trust 3. perfect cheerfulness As we move toward consecration, may we all pray the closing prayer (from page 83) "Come, Holy Spirit, living in Mary... Help me t...

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 22

Julie Mussleman & Marybeth Finster join Mary Graham for 33 Days to Morning Glory Day TWENTY-TWO (03/12/15) Mary's Gift of Mercy Today we begin the fourth week of our preparation for Consecration to Jesus through Mary. In the fourth week we will focus on Blessed Pope John Paul the Great, one of my personal heroes. Today we read about the apparitions of Mary in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 and how Our Lady requested that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. Pope John Paul II was the Pope to suffer an assassination attempt on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima May 13, 1981. He believed that it was Mary's intercession that saved his life and in return 3 years later, he consecrated the world to her Immaculate Heart. But that wasn't enough. Pope John Paul then gave the world the Feast of Divine Mercy.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 23

Day 23 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Maternal Mediation According to the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium Maternal Mediation simply means that Mary is our spiritual mother who assists us from heaven with her prayers and motherly care to help bring us to God. (pg 90) As my own mother died in 2006, I love, love, love that Mary is my spiritual mother. As a mother of six children myself, I love that Mary is my model and exemplar. As much as I love my kids, and try to do everything I can to help them, Mary does all that and more for me, and she does it completely perfectly because she is without sin. In that way, like Blessed Pope John Paul the Great, we can say to Mary Totus Tuus, meaning "I am totally yours." ~Julie Musselman

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 24

Day 24 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Mary's Retreat (Day One) Mary's vocation to be our spiritual mother was not revealed to her all at once. Just like us, she was a pilgrim of faith. She pondered in her heart all the different things that happened day by day. She had to give her "yes" not just once at the annunciation, but over and over again. So too do we. If anyone feels this book is just giving too much emphasis to Mary, consider what Fr. Gaitley writes on pg 93 quoting Pope John Paul, "for it must be recognized that before anyone else it was God himself, the Eternal Father, who entrusted himself to the Virgin at Nazareth." Read and re-read this day's meditation. It goes over the scriptural events of Mary's life. We do well to get to know Mary more and more each day. ~Julie Musselman

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 25

Day 25 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Mary's Retreat (Day Two) In today's reading, we continue along in the events of the life of the Blessed Mother. One of the few but powerful words said by Mary, recorded in scripture, are "Do Whatever He Tells You." To me this sums up Marian devotion, she always points us to her son. The words of Pope John Paul II show how much Mary is concerned about our concerns, "her solicitude for human beings." Summarizing Pope John Paul II, Fr. Gaitley points out (pg 97) three things: 1. Mary is not the Handmaid of the Lord by necessity, but by God's choice 2. Mary needs servants who obey her words, "do whatever He tells you." 3. Mary's role is wholly oriented toward Christ In what area of my life is Mary pointing me to Jesus in today?

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 26

Day 26 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Michelle Procaro and Julie Musselman join Mary Graham for Day 26 of the 33 Days to Morning Glory. Mary's Retreat (Day 3) At Calvary, Mary becomes the Mother of all when Our Lord says "Woman behold your son, Son behold your mother." As He gives her to the Beloved Disciple, St. John, He gives her to us all. At Calvary she receives the full gift of Motherhood-the entire church.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 27

Michelle Procaro and Julie Musselman join Mary Graham for Day 27 of the 33 Days to Morning Glory. Marian Entrustment (Part 1) Pope John Paul teaches us that when we take the Mary "into our homes" as St. John, the beloved disciple did at the foot of the cross, we are entrusting ourselves to her. This underscore the main message of consecrating to Jesus through Mary. Jesus first entrusted His life to her at the annunciation and then throughout His hidden life. (pg101) It is because Mary is so close to Christ that we should get close to her. --Julie Musselman

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 28

Mary Beth Finster and Jennifer Longworth join Mary Graham for Day 28 - Marian Entrustment (part 2) Today we learn of the connection between Mary and Divine Mercy. Pope John Paul visited Fatima after recovering from the assassination attempt. While there he entrusted the world to Mary. He said that consecrating ourselves to Mary "means accepting her help to offer ourselves and the whole world of mankind to the infinitely Holy God" (pg 103.) This means bringing the whole world to Divine Mercy through Mary. This is our last reflection of the week with Blessed Pope John Paul the Great. Tomorrow we start a review

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 29

Michelle Procaro & Julie Musselman join Mary Graham for Day 29 of the 33 Days to Morning Glory. Day 29 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Review and synthesis These final days before consecration we will review what we have learned so far with just three words each day. For St. Louis de Montfort the three words are: Passion, Baptism and Gift. We learned that St. Louis' natural passion was turned into zeal for the faith. To increase our zeal, we fly to Mary. Her spouse the Holy Spirit will then will us with fire. At our baptism we became part of the body of Christ. But it is Mary who helps us grow in that baptismal grace. She always leads us to Christ so that we no longer live but Christ lives within us. If we give ourselves to Mary we will receive the incredible gift of herself and takes us quickly and completely to Jesus. For the next 33 days, we will be preparing for Marian Consecration on the Living Witnesses show.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 30

Day 30 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Review and Synthesis St. Maximilian Kolbe The three words to contemplate for St. Maximilian Kolbe are: Mystery, Militia and Love Mystery-we think about the Holy Spirit being the UNcreated Immaculate Conception and Mary the created Immaculate Conception Militia- St. Maximilian didn't want to just be one person consecrated to Mary, he wanted an army or militia of many to be in her service Love-We will fall more and more in love with Mary when we experience her tender maternal care for us as we consecrate and give ourselves to her.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 31

Review and Synthesis - Mother Teresa The three words to reflect on today are: Thirst, Heart and Covenant.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 32

Review and Synthesis - Blessed Pope John Paul II The three words to remember and consider for JP2 are: Mother, Entrust-acration and Mercy. Mary as Mother is easy enough to understand but what is meant by "Entrust-acration?" The heart response of taking Mary into our lives/homes is to entrust ourselves to her. But Mary doesn't just let us rest there. She takes us to her son and consecrates us to Christ. So this is a mixed word for Entrusting ourselves to Consecration, Entrust-acration. Mercy. The huge part of the papacy of Pope John Paul was to explain and promote the message of Divine Mercy. Again, Mary is the one who best leads us to the Divine Mercy of her son. As we receive mercy for our own sins, we can then extend mercy to those who have hurt us. Get ready! Tomorrow we put it all together. Please try to get to confession before you Consecrate, so that all the more blessings flow!

33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 33

Day 33 of 33 Days to Morning Glory Putting it all together As Fr. Gaitley rightly points out, we probably haven't begun to put all this together, but Mary will allow this to unfold in our lives at the proper time. Please do meditate on the consecration prayers and make a good confession if you can.

33 Days to Morning Glory - Consecration Day

33 Days to Morning Glory - Consecration Day For the past 33 days, we have been preparing for Marian Consecration on the Living Witnesses show.