33 Days to Morning Glory - Day 32

Review and Synthesis - Blessed Pope John Paul II The three words to remember and consider for JP2 are: Mother, Entrust-acration and Mercy. Mary as Mother is easy enough to understand but what is meant by "Entrust-acration?" The heart response of taking Mary into our lives/homes is to entrust ourselves to her. But Mary doesn't just let us rest there. She takes us to her son and consecrates us to Christ. So this is a mixed word for Entrusting ourselves to Consecration, Entrust-acration. Mercy. The huge part of the papacy of Pope John Paul was to explain and promote the message of Divine Mercy. Again, Mary is the one who best leads us to the Divine Mercy of her son. As we receive mercy for our own sins, we can then extend mercy to those who have hurt us. Get ready! Tomorrow we put it all together. Please try to get to confession before you Consecrate, so that all the more blessings flow!


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